Frequently Asked Question
What is an EIN and why do I need one?
An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS to identify businesses and organizations for tax purposes. You need an EIN if you are starting a business, opening a bank account for your business, applying for a business license, or hiring employees.
Who apply for an EIN?
Almost anyone can apply for an EIN. This includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, LLCs, estates, trusts, and others.
What information do i need to provide on the EIN appliccation
ou will need to provide the legal name of your business or organization, the type of entity, the purpose for the EIN, and the address where the business is located.
How long does it take to receive an EIN?
It depends on the method you choose to apply. For online applications, it can 1-2 business days. For mail applications, it can take 4 weeks.
Can i use my personal Social Security Number instead of an EIN?
It is recommended to have a unique EIN for your business or organization, but it is possible to use your personal Social Security Number instead. However, this may not be the best option for privacy and liability reasons.